Omaha KSA Hosts 3rd Biennial Knights of St. Andrew Gathering

The Knights of St. Andrew (KSA) are a black hat organization in the Scottish Rite, offering 32° “black hat” Scottish Rite Masons an opportunity to get involved in leadership, meet members, and in turn, get known themselves. The Orient of Nebraska hosted the 3rd Biennial Gathering of the Knights of St. Andrew this past May 20-21, 2016 at the Omaha Downtown DoubleTree hotel. . . .

Perfect Evening for Scottish Rite Spring Outing

Perfect upper-60s temperature, barely a cloud in the sky, a cool breeze, and not a mosquito to be seen - the perfect weather for the Spring Outing at the Papillion Gun Club. Over 200 Masons and prospective Masons turned out for an evening of trap shooting and a bacon-wrapped steak dinner, with baked potato, salad, corn, and roll on the side, prepared by the Culinary Masters. . .

Lincoln Hosts 2nd Statewide RiteCare Meeting

Several years ago, Charles V. Sederstrom, Jr., 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Nebraska, began working to improve the unity between Nebraska's RiteCare clinics. He noticed that the clinics in Hastings, Lincoln, Omaha, and the newest clinic in Kearney were operating semi-independently of one another. Thus began a tradition of annual meetings between the state's RiteCare clinicians and Nebraska Scottish Rite Masons. . .