Gary is active in the Scottish Rite as a member of the Century Club, a Culinary Master, chief grill deliverer, and serves on the RiteCare Classic golf committee. He also works with the stage crew at Reunions.




Gary S. Unger, 32° KCCH

Venerable Master, Omaha Consistory

Originally from Pennsylvania, Gary settled in Nebraska after a career in the USAF. The first Master Mason in his family, he was raised as a Master Mason in Springfield Lodge #112 thru a one day degree conferral in 2001, serving as Worshipful Master in 2013. Gary joined Tangier Shrine the same year, serving as Potentate in 2015. He became a life member of the Scottish Rite in 2005, and received his KCCH in 2013.  He is also a member of Alpha Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, National Sojourners, and Heroes of 76 Joseph Warren Camp.

Gary and his wife Becky live in Papillion.